Heiau, ‘Āina, Lani

Supplementary online materials

Additional figures

Site WF–AUW-403

The main court of the heiau viewed from the east, showing the large pāhoehoe slab set into its floor, as described on page 164 of the book. (Photo by Clive Ruggles)

DTM-generated profile of the eastern portion of the horizon as seen from heiau WF-AUW-403. The dark yellow lines indicate the rising paths of the sun at the June solstice (left) and December solstice (right); the lighter yellow line indicates the rising path of the sun at the equinoxes; and the blue line indicates the rising path of the Pleiades in A.D. 1600. (Graphic by Andrew Smith; colour version of figure 4.12 in the book)

PNG version

The eastern horizon at site WF-AUW-403 as viewed from a sitting position on the floor slab. The dark yellow lines indicate the rising paths of the sun at the June solstice (left) and December solstice (right); the lighter yellow line indicates the rising path of the sun at the equinoxes; and the blue line indicates the rising path of the Pleiades in A.D. 1600. (Composite of photo by Clive Ruggles and graphic by Andrew Smith; colour version of figure 6.9 in the book)

PNG version (5.69 Mb)

Comparison between the NE–ENE horizon here and at other upland Auwahi sites

DTM-generated visualizations of the horizons to the NE and ENE at seven upland Auwahi heiau, showing the rising position of the Pleiades around AD 1600 (blue line) and June solstice sun (dark yellow line). The rising path of the sun at the equinoxes (lighter yellow line) also appears in some of the profiles. (Graphics by Andrew Smith; colour version of figure 4.11 in the book)

Comparison between the eastern horizon here and at other east-facing heiau

DTM-generated profile of the eastern horizon at a selection of heiau facing nearby topographic features with considerable visual impact. In the case of KIP-1 a photograph of a nearby hillock, too close to show up on the DTM, is superimposed (see also figure 7.3 in the book). The extent of the solar rising arc is indicated by the solstitial rising lines (dark yellow lines [or solid shaded line in the case of KIP-1]). The rising path of the sun at the equinoxes (lighter yellow/dash-and-dot line) and of the Pleiades in AD 1600 (blue/dotted line) is also shown. The black-and-white version of this figure, figure 4.13 in the book, includes horizontal bars indicating the direction of orientation of the heiau. (Graphics by Andrew Smith)

  • For a site plan see figure 6.8 in the book.
  • For orientation data see the Additional tables page.
  • For all-round horizon profiles at this site see the All-round profiles page.

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